Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Moving from defensive to offensive

Changing the rules of the game

In the coming election, the rules of the game need to be changed. There is a need to take a major aggressive attack position rather than the traditional defensive position. The major attack here really means ‘to attack’. It does not mean ‘to counter-attack’, neither is means ‘to indirectly attack’. Not to say ‘to ignore or indifferent’, ‘to do nothing’, or ‘to wait and see’.

Being too complacent

Traditionally, for long enough, the rival party has been in an offensive position to attack. While at this side, as usual, has been remained in the defensive position for long. Furthermore, it is not only believed in that there are always advantages to be in the defensive position, it also has an illusion of invulnerability. These are among the weaknesses (see http://dryeechoyleong.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post.html for more illustration of weaknesses). These are the reasons why during the aggressive attack on 308, many seats were lost to the rival party. Before we go deeper to discuss on implementation, let’s look into the real meanings of defensive and offensive in order to recognize the different between them.

What is mean by defensive?

The definitions of defensive

Defensive has several meanings. It is especially being use in the military. In military, defensive means the use of defensive tactics that seek to neutralize the enemy offensive tactics. At the individual level, defensive means a specific action taken by individual soldiers to protect themselves with the use of protective materials such as armor, trenches, bunkers, blade weapons, or by using strategies to prevent the enemy from approaching them to initiate a close combat. At the unit level, defensive means operations of a unit of military forces from a largely defensive area that involve many strategic warfare and tactical movements. The form of defensive measure involves a large scale operation. At the organization level, defensive, at this high level of strategy, means military seeks to integrate all units and resources to defend in a coherent whole. In general, a defensive strategy means the strategy to prevent an aggressive attack, minimize the effect of an attack, and prevent from an enemy to conquer a territory.

Defensive position always has no advantage even in the ancient time

Traditionally, it was generally believed that defensive position always had an advantage over offensive party. It was generally believed defenders had the time and ability to make preparations to protect themselves from the enemy, for example to prepare trenches and fortifications, to lay obstacles such as land mines and tank traps. However, in a larger area, the attacker may have the advantage. They can choose the time and place of the battle. They may concentrate their entire force to attack a small area. Meanwhile the defender is forced to spread their forces over a larger defensive area.

Defensive position has no advantage at all in modern war

In the modern war, the advantages of a defensive position have been gradually reduced. This is because the increased mobility of the modern forces, better communication technology and increased destructiveness of weaponry.

What is mean by offensive?

Offensive on land, sea, and air

A strategic offensive move is an aggressive overall war planning and use of all forces as a whole, combining all resources available for achieving goals. It can be done on land, at sea, or in the air. However, the implementation of such a large scale strategic offensive move is always based on theoretical considerations because it is impractical, uneconomic and difficult to implement.

Land offensive

Regional offensive. A small or regional offensive move is a conduct of combat operations that seek to achieve only some of the objectives of the strategy being pursued in the theatre as a whole. Usually it is carried out by one or more divisions that are having about 10000 to 30000 troops.

Strategic offensive. A strategic offensive is often a big campaign that involves the use of over 100,000 troops. It is the largest military operations that often involved multi-front coordinated operations. The ultimate objective eventually is lead to a complete defeat of the opposition, or damage of a significant enemy forces, or occupation of strategically significant territory.

Theatre offensive. Offensives are mainly conduced as a means in a confrontation between opponents. They can be waged on land, at sea or in the air. A Theatre offensive can be a war and a dominant feature of a national security policy, or one of several components of a war if a country is involved in several Theatres. In general Theatre offensives require over 250,000 troops to be committed to combat operations, including combined planning for different arms and services of the armed forces, such as for example air defence troops integrated into the overall plan for ground operations.

Air offensive

An air offensive is an operation that can describe any number of different types of operations, usually restricted to specific types of aircraft. The offensive conducted with use of fighter aircraft are predominantly concerned with establishing air superiority in a given air space, or over a given territory. A bomber offensive is sometimes also known as the strategic bombing offensive. Use of ground attack aircraft in support of ground offensives can be said to be an air offensive.

Sea offensive

Sea offensives can have wide-ranging implications for national strategies, and require significant logistics commitment to destroy enemy military naval capabilities. It can also be used to interdict enemy shipping. Naval offensives can also be tactical in nature.

Trying new ways of doing things

In the political term, an offensive move is an aggressive action that uses multiple resources to gain voters’ acceptance. The main purpose is to gain support through reducing the support of the rival party. Other terms for offensive are 'attack' or 'invasion'.

The weakness of the rival party is exposed

The weakness of the rival party is now being exposed. Their weakness is they have never been attack from that position before. For decades, the rival party has been in the ‘attack’ position. They has not been in (or not used to) a position of defend. Currently, many issues have been raised, thus, it has created many opportunity for an attack. When they are not ready, the attack will be even more effective. Furthermore, the rival party this time has to defend on behalf of their counterparts.

Justification for an attack

From the past election, experiences told us that adopting the following strategies were not feasible. For example, ‘to do nothing’ is suicide, ‘to be conservative’ can reduce hurt but gain no mileage, ‘to be in defensive’ is useless, and ‘to counterattack’ has only half strength because voters already pre-conceived (has the initial perception) and it is very hard to change their initial mindset or perceptions. The wisest move would be to play a major offensive.


A need to re-structure and build a main ‘attack’ team.


In order to attack, ones need restructuring. Although many have discussed about restructuring and reengineering, such as the one that appeared in http://dryee-management.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post.html entitled “Total Transformation Process”. But, this time is different. This is because at this time there is a good opportunity to attack. Unfortunately, the current organizational structure is too rigid to attack. The current structure is not being design (neither is fit) for an attack. It was previously designed in such a way that it is more suitable for defend. The restructuring will have to totally transform the current structure into an attack position. Using the right structure is important for strategy to be effectively implemented. Strategy and structure has unique relationships. Changes in ones strategy often require changes in ones structure.

To attack ones need an attack structure

Changes in strategy from a defensive position to an offensive position require changes in the way an organization is structured. They are many reasons why this is required. First, structure largely dictates how objectives and strategies will be established. For example, objectives and strategies established under an attack organizational structure are couched in offensive terms. Objectives and strategies are stated largely in terms of defensive position in an organization whose structure is based on defensive groups. The structural formula for developing objectives and strategies can significantly impact all strategy implementation issues. Another major reason why changes in strategy often require changes in structure is that structure dictates how resources will be allocated.

Changes in strategy lead to changes in organizational structure. Structure should be designed to facilitate the strategic pursuit of an organization and, therefore, follow strategy. There is not just one optimal organizational design or structure for a given strategy or type of organization.

Old units are slow, rigid, inflexible, and non-aggressive

Currently, the whole structure (or the army units) is in the defensive position for decades. An analogy for the defensive structure can be best described as the building of the tunnel, the bunker, the walls, the sandbags, etc., which are for the purposes of defend. In political terms, these can be described as providing service, offering education programs, writing supporting letters, giving helps, cares, charity, etc. All these are built for the purpose of defend. They are immobile, rigid, not flexible, non-aggressive, slow and heavy. Both for their units and equipments are the same.

Old units is un-fit for taking an attack position

Based on the analogy above, this army unit is totally un-fit for taking an attack position. To attack, ones need missiles, you don’t have missile. To attack, ones need tanks, your vehicles are not tanks. Furthermore, to attack, ones need aircrafts, your aircrafts are the old and outdated. Not only are they slow, but inaccurate, and less destructive. To attack, ones need mechanized troops, your troops are slow, fat, and dull. To summarized, this army is not trained to carry out an attack. It is trained for defend. And they are also vulnerable for an attack.

Old units are unable to defend

As discussed earlier, defensive has no advantage over offensive strategy. To defend, you need to spread your resources over many aspects of political issues from education, to economics and social in order to improve them. However, the rival party who is taking an offensive position can actually concentrate their entire resources to attack one aspect of those issues that you are weak.

New units are fast, destructive, and effective

Changing the army ability has to change three things: the strategy, the structure, and the units of army. First of all is the strategy. The strategy is to take an offensive rather than a defensive position. For this strategy, taking the current opportunity to attack from a position that has never been done before will be a good move. The structure needs to be converted from the current defensive posture to an attack posture. New units need to be deployed. The new units has to be fast, high impact, has high publicity value. To attack, you need speed, high impact, wide coverage (range), and heavy bombardment (destruction). To attack, you need motorized infantry, artillery, mechanized troop, and tank. The success factor would be: mechanization, airpower, speed, impact (high destruction).

Deploying the right attack strategy is the key 善用攻的策略

The use of ground troops

Attack strategies require intensive efforts if your competitive position is to improve. One of the possible modes is to use ground troop to carry out territory penetration (组织战). The territory penetration strategy seeks to increase voters’ support through greater promotional efforts and campaign from door to door. It can also be done on a small group basis such as small gathering. Using the current advantages of a large network system and full human resources support, this strategy is feasible. However, this strategy can only be effective with increasing the capabilities of the ground troops. If the ground troops are not capable, well trained or effective then this strategy cannot be used as the objectives can hardly be achieved. Meanwhile, training the old units will be difficult and slow. Forming an entire new unit will be fast but required additional resources.

The use of media/virtual troops

The other possible mode of attack is to use media or virtual troops (文宣战). The recent virtual assault troops are the right move but activities should be very well coordinated and the strategy should be in congruence.

The use of survey

The use of public opinion survey is important (科学战). According to Sun Tzu’s Art of War, know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. Survey has to be carried out more effectively by professional body. The results can be obtained on daily or periodically basis. Through survey, the support from the voters, the popularity of the party or candidates, and the possibility of winning over the next election can be analyzed quite accurately.

The use of coordinated strategy

Coordination is the key to success. The use of coordinated strategy is vital (统合战). All strategies need to be well coordinated. Changes to an attack direction do not occur automatically. It has to be directed by the party leadership. On the day-to-day operations, leadership, policies and guidelines are needed to make a strategy in congruence. Leadership provides the right direction, policy refers to specific guidelines, methods, procedures, rules, forms, and administrative practices established to support and encourage work toward stated goals. Policies let both party leadership and members know what is expected of them, thereby increasing the likelihood that strategies will be implemented successfully. Due to space limitation, detail strategies for coordination, ground troop, media troop, etc., will be discussed elsewhere.

Strengthen the logistics and support management 加强后勤与支援管理

Allocating resources

Support the change in strategy with additional resources. Resource allocation is a central management support activity that allows for strategy execution. In organizations resource allocation is often based on political or personal factors. Effective strategic planning enables resources to be allocated according to priorities. In general, the management can manipulate four types of resources that can be used to achieve desired objectives: financial resources, physical resources, human resources, and technological resources.

How to manage conflict

Changes in strategy, structure, and unit can cause conflict within the party. Competition for limited resources often leads to conflict. Conflict will happen when there is a disagreement between two or more parties on one or more issues. However, conflict is unavoidable, and is not always bad. There are many ways we can use to manage and resolve conflict.

For example, avoidance represents such actions as ignoring the problem in hopes that the conflict will resolve by itself or physically separating the conflicting individuals. Defusion is playing down differences between conflicting parties while accentuating similarities and common interests, compromising is neither a clear winner nor loser, resorting to majority rule, appealing to a higher authority, or redesigning present positions. Confrontation is exchanging members of conflicting parties so that each can gain an appreciation of the other’s point of view, and holding a meeting at which conflicting parties present their views and work through their differences.

How to deal with resistance to change

There may be very high resistance to change among the members or groups within the party. Resistance to change can be considered the single greatest threat to successful strategy implementation. It may take on such forms as sabotaging, absenteeism, filing unfounded grievances, and an unwillingness to cooperate. Resistance to change can emerge at any stage or level of the strategy-implementation process.

Adopting change strategy

Despite the possible high resistance to change, three different strategies can be used for implementing change: 1. Force change strategy – involves giving orders and enforcing those orders, 2. Educative change strategy – presents information to people, and 3. Rational or Self-interest change strategy – attempts to convince individuals that the change is to their personal advantage.

Creating a strategy supportive culture

More importantly, a strategy-supportive culture has to be created within the party. In general, less than 10 percent of strategies formulated are successfully implemented. Strategists should strive to preserve, emphasize, and build on aspects of an existing culture that support proposed new strategies.

选战: 如何从被动与防守转向主动与攻击

Successful strategy formulation does not guarantee successful strategy implementation. It is always more difficult to do something (strategy implementation) than to say you are going to do it (strategy formulation). Many issues central to strategy implementation include deriving the right attack strategy, organizing the right organization structure, and form new units. Then, supported by deploying the right strategies such as intensive territory penetration through the use of effective ground troops, virtual and media war, public opinion survey and well coordinated strategic plan. Meanwhile, providing leadership, devising policies, allocating resources, restructuring and reengineering, minimizing resistance to change, reducing conflict, and developing a strategy-supportive culture are among the necessary issues that should not be overlooked when adopting an attack strategy.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Industrial DBA

Which DBA you prefer?

If you haven’t chosen a DBA program, congratulation! You still have a chance to make a right choice before too late. You may be someone who have been working in the industry for quite some time and have earned much useful and practical knowledge. Currently, you may be worried about whether or not you can further study up to the doctoral level when you choose to go back to the university to take a DBA. That’s right. The worry that you are currently having is not wrong. This is because most of the DBA program that are currently available will really put you into a nightmare. Not only your valuable industrial experiences are undermined, you will end up with learning something impractical and irrelevant to your businesses. Let me begin by telling you a true story about someone from the academic world.

“I studied mechanical engineering and started my career as a sales engineer for an industrial product. I took my MBA while I was assuming the role as a project leader. Upon completion of my MBA, I moved to a higher managerial position as a marketing manager to oversee the entire marketing, logistics, inventory control, and after sales services of a world leading brand of an industrial product. I applied the knowledge I gained from my MBA because it was very practical and relevant. I earned a higher reputation from the company because I performed well in my job with many new ideas and practical inputs. After that, I took a scholarship to study PhD in Cambridge University, Institute for Manufacturing, Centre for Strategy and Performance. Upon completion of my PhD, I returned home to serve a local university. Since then, I have attended many local academic conferences. Hey! I was very surprised. Where the field of management is heading to? Our academics seem to be writing conference papers for the purpose of achieving more publications, but unfortunately no one is addressing the practical issues that faced by the industries. They seem to address issues of methodology, research design, and analysis methods.”

That is true. It is not a surprise. Most researchers here seem to conduct pure research. Unlike the group of researchers in Cambridge, over there, they conduct applied research. Their researches are mainly conducted in the field. They study real world practices. They solve practical problems. They publish their research outputs in the practicing journals and also in the form of practical workbook (Mill, et al., 1996; Phaal, et al., 2001; Christodoulou, P., 2010). They conduct evening workshops to train managers and executives to use the managerial tools that they have developed from their research. Thus, the different between the pure researchers and the applied researchers is that they disseminate their research outputs to two groups of mutually exclusive audiences.

Very unfortunate, many academics that I met here are in favor of testing new or sophisticated statistical technique rather than investigating or solving current problems facing practitioners. Practical issues are ignored by our academics. They prefer to isolate themselves in the ivory tower to admire their own models, formulas, and equations which can never be understood by most managers.

One of the problems with our academic community is perhaps most of them having no industrial working experiences at all! They have never market a product, prepare a budget, conduct a sales presentation, lead a business project or manage any companies.

I guess the other problem is because our doctoral program put too much emphasis on methodology, particularly statistical technique such as multivariate methods. Our doctoral students have no idea that they are a lot of other research methodologies which are available, such as case study, action research, ethnography, and even experiments. These methods are equally valid, reliable and useful. More importantly, they are all very mature and widely accepted.

The researchers in Cambridge’s Institute for Manufacturing have been using case-based approach, action research and process approach quite a bit. The institute is regarded as one of the highly relevant research institute and it is also ranked as a 5 star research centre.

The case-based methods have been described in a quite detail way by many. However, there is another method which I would like to introduce to many local researchers is structured action research. Although I have talked quite a great deal about it before in a few of my previous articles (please see Yee, C.L. 2009a; Yee, C.L. 2009b; Yee, C.L. 2009c; Yee, C.L. 2009d; Yee, C.L. 2009e; Yee, C.L. 2009f), I would like to emphasize here that it is actually a methodology that can bridge the gap between academics and practitioners. By adopting this methodology, a researcher is actually goes all out to help firms to solve their problems. The researcher is acting like a consultant.

Some of our academics maybe worried that this work is not scientific. The answer is not. In fact, the PhD candidate will have to write their thesis according to the requirement of PhD. That is to say, they still have to write a proper research design and methodology (in this case is structured action research). They have to justify their choice of research method and discuss the research philosophy or theoretical foundation of the qualitative research design in quite detail. Many quantitative examiners may not agree with the qualitative paradigm. However, again, I would like to emphasize here that many of the quantitative researchers are bias. They use quantitative criteria to access a PhD candidate who adopted a qualitative study. Their work is not professional and fair (see Yee (2011) for more arguments and debates about the paradigm war between quantitative and qualitative researchers).

Doctoral students should seriously ensure that their research is industrially relevant. Thus, the use of structured action research method is especially useful for DBA program. This is because a DBA program is normally designed for business executives. For these business people, they won’t be able to understand those heavy methodologies which are mostly quantitative in nature. Honestly speaking, to them, these methods are not practical at all. However, structured action research will be different. They can apply their experiences from the industries through using action research to prove the relevancy, practicality, and generalizability of their experiences.

When I said ‘experiences’, it doesn’t mean that it is always existed in the form of tacit knowledge. In action research, experiences of one can be transformed into codified knowledge such as in the form of tools, techniques, step-by-step processes, practical guidelines, etc. You may be wondering whether these forms of knowledge are acceptable as a form of knowledge contribution in a doctoral research. The answer is yes. Many work that have been done in Cambridge’s Institute for manufacturing are of these forms. Please see my article for detail illustration and argument of those codified knowledge as an acceptable mode of knowledge (Yee, 2011). Then, a DBA candidate can conduct a research by applying this tool in the real business world to investigate and prove its feasibility, usability, and utility. The study can also be extended to other context in order to generalize the findings. Again, the generalization here I mean is not statistical generalization but is analytical generalization (see Yin, 1984 for the argument of case study method and generalization)

In this sense, the practicing community will be benefited from academic research and at the same time the current body of knowledge will be advanced with additional practical knowledge. Practitioners should be encouraged to enroll DBA programs that emphasize the use of practical approach such as structured action research and conduct applied research.

In fact, many of the successful practitioners when they are entering DBA or PhD programs, they found it very difficult to adapt themselves into the program. Most of them are having valuable corporate experiences which are a much needed resources, but their talents and experiences have been wasted.

Worst still, they have to force themselves to learn many sophisticated statistical methods and mathematical modeling techniques. When they return back to the industries later on after they have completed their study, they would not be able to use them or share their doctoral experiences and learning with their peers. This is mainly because no one there in the field will understand their formulas.

Vice versa, if these business executives are adopted the structure action research method, not only they can conduct a piece of good research in the academic world, but they can also help the practicing world. Upon completion of their DBA, they can use the knowledge and experiences they earned when they returned back to their work and share with their peers more easily. The whole training of the DBA program can actually upgrade or enhance their capability and skill to perform even better in the industries. This is due to the transfer of knowledge is made easy when it is in the form of codified knowledge. If more and more researches are done in this sense, they would not only improve practices in the industries but more new useful knowledge would be added to the current body of knowledge.

My objective to write this is not to undermine all research that is currently being produced. But I believe that the field of management would be made more relevant with more research that can help the industries. I also understood that many of the world leading journals in management are accepting only quantitative papers. However, I seriously doubt that whether these papers are read or even understood by practitioners. We should not just produce words for the consumption of only the academic community. Because if you do so, the academic community will leave in an isolated world and the words will be circulated within a closed-loop circle.

Many PhD students seem to develop/test models which are seldom used by the industries. We have been trying to mimic the hard sciences methodology, but forgetting that much of the hard sciences research are supported by experiments and we do not. Many researches in the field of management treat the development of mathematical models as an end by itself. But, hard sciences research treat mathematical models just the means to an end. The ultimate end is actually to be able to conduct an experiment in the real world to prove your theory which eventually led to the development of practical tools, machines, products or artifacts that are physically existed in the real world.

Finally, it is hoped that our DBA or even PhD program can actually look into this issue seriously. Making the field more relevant needs a lot of efforts from all of us. If we want to improve our world ranking to become a world class university, this is one of the important things that should not be neglected.

The problem with the over methodological focus of our doctoral program has its root. One of the academics (who has supervised many PhD students) I met recently told me that he can only supervise students that are using SPSS. He doesn’t know any other methods than SPSS. When I asked him why, he replied that this is because when he took his PhD locally, his supervisor only knows SPSS. Thus, that was the only method he learned from his supervisor and also the only method he can teach his students now. Having heard about this story, I told myself privately that next time your students will only supervise doctoral candidates that use SPSS because you teach them SPSS only. This kind of in-breeding process will continue from generation to generation in our academic community and it can never be corrected or improved if we never go beyond our comfort zone.

No wonder our research method classes are so biased towards the use of SPSS or quantitative methods. Most top business school has already, to some extent, divided the course into qualitative and quantitative modules. Research students at the graduate level have to take both of them. This is to ensure that they are exposed to both paradigm systems. But, unfortunately in our case, we may not ready yet for this changes. I rather think that, one day our research method course will be changed to SPSS course to reflect the actual situation.

If we let the problem of over emphasize on methodology to happen continuously, our academic community will be going farther and farther away from the practicing world. Our mission to become a world leading institution or top business school can hardly be achieved. Although more and more papers we add to the cited journals, these are actually representing more and more formulas and equations we produced. These kinds of knowledge that we added, will confuse more and more managers in the practicing world. At the end, we will never be able to transform ourselves into a world class university like Cambridge.

The points that I have made so far are not baseless. As a matter of fact, many articles that appeared in the recent Harvard Business Review encouraged CEO to consider applying research methods in their businesses (Anderson and Simester, 2011; Davenport, 2009). Many research methods can be used in a very practical sense. But our academics must dare enough to go beyond the traditional academic boundary to meet people from the industries and to find out what they want and what their problems are. In fact many articles from world leading journals recently encouraged researchers to try to bridge the gap between theory and practice (Brennan, 2008; Cummings, 2007; Gerardo and Bonardi, 2011; Miller and Tsang, 2010; Reed, 2009;). If we are still sleeping in the ivory tower, we will be left behind.

DBA candidates who want to pursue their research should try to think of a more practical approach such as structured action research. Not only this can help to improve the practicing world but also improve the advancement of knowledge.


Anderson, E.T. and Simester, D. (2011) “A step-by-step guide to smart business experiments” HBR Vol. 89, Issue 3, pp. 98-105.

Brennan, R. (2008) “Theory and practice across disciplines: implications for the field of management” European Business Review, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp.515-528.

Christodoulou, P. (2010) “Strategy workshop toolkit” The Choir Press, UK.

Cummings, Thomas G. (2007) “Quest for an engaged academy” AMR 32, 2, 355-360.

Davenport, T.H. (2009) “How to design smart business experiments” Harvard Business Review 87, 2, 68-76.

Gerardo Okhuysen and Jean-Philippe Bonardi (2011) “Editors’ comments: the challenges of building theory by combining lenses” AMR 36, 1, 6-11.

Mill, J., Platts, K., Neely, A., Richard, H., Gragory, M. and Bourne, M. (1996) “Creating a winning business formula” University of Cambridge.

Miller, K.D. and Tsang, E.W.K. (2010) “Testing management theories: Critical realist philosophy and research method”, SMJ 32, 139-158.

Phaal, R., Farrukh, C.J., and Probert, D.R. (2001), T-Plan – The Fast-Start to Technology Roadmapping: Planning Your Route to Success. Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge, UK.

Reed, Michael I. (2009) “The theory/practice gap: a problem for research in business schools?” Journal of Management Development 28, 8, 685-693.

Yee, C.L. 2009a, Toolism: Generation of Mode 2 Knowledge in Research, The 20th Annual POMS Conference No. 011-0489, 1-4 May 2009 (Orlando, Florida, USA).

Yee, C.L. 2009b, The Science of Toolism, Faculty of Economics and Management Seminar (No. 103) 1-3 December 2009 (Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia).

Yee, C.L. 2009c, Toolism: Generation of Mode 2 Knowledge in Research, Faculty of Economics and Management Seminar (Poster Session) 1-3 December 2009 (Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia).

Yee, C.L., 2009d, Toolism: A multiple-methodological approach in research, The Third International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management. 9 – 11 December 2009 (NO: M2) Track SC-T7-12 (AIMST University, Bujang Valley, Sungei Petani, Kedah, Malaysia).

Yee, C.L., 2009e, SNAP: Generating roadmaps for effective supply chain management, The 8th Asian Academy of Management International Conference, AAMC 18 – 21 December 2009 (No: 103) (Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia).

Yee, C.L. 2009f, The 4-stage protocols of Toolism, Proceeding in the International Conference on Quality, Productivity and Performance Measurement (ICQPPM), Putra Jaya, Malaysia (16-18 November 2009)(Paper No. 079).

Yee, C.L., 2011, Linking theory to practice with a new research perspective (http://yeechoyleong-research.blogspot.com.) Accessed on 6 October 2011.

Yin, R.K. 1984. Case study research. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publication.

Dr Yee Choy Leong

Working Towards World Class University

A case of adopting qualitative or quantitative approach in research

Sunday, October 2, 2011










Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Why using SWOT roadmapping

Two different tools in strategic planning: SWOT and roadmapping, have evolved quite independently so far, are taking into considerations in this research. The rationales for binding the two tools together are that not only can possibly solve the current business problems discussed earlier in this paper, but can also help to overcome current limitations in each of the tools. However, integrating these tools is not an easy task. Not only are they distinct from each other in scope, content and focus but also within the organizational level at which they are developed and implemented. Thus, blending them requires resolving a number of problems from architecture, to level and implementation. The discussion that follows will highlight their differences and justify the development of a newly developed technique: SWOT-roadmapping technique. The results of this discussion will lead to the development of a new prototype technique: SWOT-Roadmapping technique.

SWOT is widely recognized as a strategic planning tool at corporate and business level of businesses, while roadmapping rather falls in the level of operational and functional units. As a result, SWOT is usually used by managers from top management while roadmapping used by managers from functional and operational levels of an organization.

Because these two tools were previously used by managers from two different levels in an organization, their combination will link these two levels of managers together. The link would benefit organizations by improving their vertical coordination and communication systems. When top management imposes a new plan using a top-down approach, the lower first-level management might not follow exactly because they prefer a bottom-up approach. This problem could be overcome by applying SWOT in the roadmapping process to increase interaction between top-level and first-level managers.

SWOT is taking a macro perspective of businesses while roadmapping is taking a micro perspective of businesses. As a result, SWOT focuses on visionary matters, new investment issues, and future development and directions of business while roadmapping focuses on current resource limitation, effective implementation and action plan selection. Because SWOT is always regarded as visionary emphasis, and considering strategies from high level management position, thus, it has created many business plans that may not readily to be applied. Thus, it has always been perceived negatively from operational level managers who view it as too abstract and soft, touching only the surface, and lacking in terms of real practical substance. Meanwhile, roadmapping is rather paying more attention to operational detail and focusing on clarity in content. In addition, roadmapping helps in developing implementable strategies and action plans that could make the strategic plans to be realized. By combining the two tools, firms’ visionary objectives from SWOT will be linked to current resource constraints from roadmapping and grand strategies from SWOT will be supported by more practical and workable plans from roadmapping. Implementation of the combined tool could complement the weaknesses of each other.

SWOT considers a bigger environmental scope beyond the internal and operational functions of an organization. It helps managers to identify opportunities and threats from the business and economic environment that may be overlooked in roadmapping. SWOT enables companies’ managers to respond to changes in environment before too late. In this sense, SWOT enlarges the scope of roadmapping by providing a structure to capture and monitor broader context of strategy and enabling anticipation of wider range of possible environmental changes.

As compare to SWOT, roadmapping is not yet a popular tool and thus many users may not know how to apply it, where to start, and how to link the information. As a result, managers need assistant from experienced facilitators to use the tool and to avoid wrong interpretation. Unlike roadmapping, SWOT is taught in many business schools and appeared in many well-established strategic management text books for undergraduate and MBA students. Thus, by using a more well-known and established SWOT, managers could easily learn and use the tool for the development of a roadmap. Therefore, it would be easier to conduct roadmapping with the help of using SWOT analysis.

Roadmapping came in many formats. The selection process on which formats to use is not well understood. This has caused a problem in generating even the first roadmap. SWOT has only one format that cover four areas of strategic planning: strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. Thus, the SWOT four-quadrant framework is rather more easily understandable by managers and can complement the limitation in roadmapping.

One of the most serious weaknesses of roadmapping is that it is not become an on-going management tool in companies. This weakness can be improved by making the tool more usable by managers. Roadmapping tool pays too much attention on the hard aspect of tangible resources coordination and information link. It ignored the soft aspect of management such as human capital management, organizational behaviour, and culture. Thus, incorporating these features by applying SWOT that capture a wider scope of an organization (i.e. from environment to culture) could improve the application of the tool and subsequent usage by managers. In addition, the higher top management involvement will also improve the usage of roadmapping on an on-going basis. Traditionally, roadmapping exercise is usually participated by managers from functional department such as marketing, manufacturing and R&D, but not the top-level managers. As a result, top management may not clearly understand the benefits of roadmapping and have lack of interest and commitment. Consequently, this has created a barrier for the roadmapping process to be built-in into the existing company system and to be used in the company on an ongoing basis. Involvement of top management with applying SWOT could help to improve the usage of roadmapping.

In order to capture the information on strength, weakness, opportunity and threat across different time frame, managers would have to create a few matrixes to indicate information in the past, present and future. This work is time consuming and in addition, managers must produce a number of SWOT matrices in several separate sheets of papers. Roadmapping that emphasize a one-page solution of strategy, can help to overcome this problem. Thus, the drawbacks of SWOT matrix framework could be overcome by applying the roadmapping one-page framework.

The graphical representation of roadmapping on a wall chart is flexible and interesting as compare to SWOT’s bullet points. A roadmap enables managers to see the overall situation in just one-page diagram, and allows them to synthesize the overall strategies and crystallize their thoughts more easily.

The research aims to integrate the two tools by developing a SWOT-Roadmapping technique for managers and test how such combined concepts can be applied through real industrial application. The new technique could complement the weaknesses inherited in both roadmapping and SWOT and is believed to be more robust. A successful implementation of the new technique will benefit the industry and it is worth the effort.

Fo Ye Miao: Kuan Yin at Serdang new village

Fo Ye Miao: Kuan Yin at Serdang new village
Hui Kui Comminuty Education Program